Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Knowing What And When To Delegate-Part 3

We have also been called to care for the flock. The first rule of care giving is to have a relationship with flock. We must know our sheep and allow the sheep to know us. Look at John 10:14  "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me-. There’s our example again. But the more sheep God has entrusted to you the more you must bring others along side of you to outsource this responsibility as well. People don’t care what you know until they know that you care. Pastoral care is more than hospital calls it must include follow up. Your volunteers can also help with this. Why should the Lord give you any more children if you cannot keep up with the ones you already have?

       We have been called to oversee. You must be a leader as well as a doer. If you are doing all the work you are not an overseer. You and those who represent you in ministry must learn to work with adults. The primary job of an overseer is to cast vision. I don’t just pastor the ministry I have, I must pastor the ministry I want to have.” The problem with outsourcing we must learn what, when and to whom to delegate. It’s our job alone to develop a strong organization structure and to know when it’s a growth structure and when it is a maintenance structure. We must evaluate constantly- you cannot spend all your time teaching! You need to manage the ministry and those assisting you.
You should also make a list of every place you could use a worker. Make job descriptions, policies and procedures before you recruit volunteers. Train others to do what you want, how you want it done then continue to coach, equip and duplicate yourself, as well as your heart into your team.

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