Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Vision Casting-part 2

So how do you successfully cast your vision in a way that others grasp it and own it? I’m glad you asked, let’s look at seven steps. Here's the first three...

1.  Start with discovering your vision. Pray, dream and hear from God firsthand what he wants for the children’s ministry you lead. I love to be still before the Lord and imagine the possibilities and His desires for my ministry. Ask and you shall find. When I draw close to Him, He always draws close to me. Ask him for a picture of the end result.

2. Now, write it out. Take those thoughts and dreams and turn them into words. You’ll never turn your vision into reality until you’ve turned it into words. Habakkuk 2:2 is a great verse. It says, “Write the vision down and make it plain so they that read it can run with it.”  As I write and study the vision I compare and examine my leadings by the written word of God.

3.  Simplify it. That verse in Habakkuk not only tells me to write the vision down but to also make it plain. I try to put it into a single sentence if possible. If not one sentence then two or three at the most. Let the main thing be the main thing. How comes in your plan what you need to concentrate on now is what.
Run it by someone who does not help in your ministry to make sure it is simple enough for them to understand it, Now write in down, keep it before you, write it on every publication. Commit it to memory and talk it up every time you are before people.

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