Thursday, February 23, 2012

Staying Spiritually Healthy-Part 3

 The last gage I want to encourage you to check is love. The bible has a lot to say about love in fact there are over 680 verses. 1 Peter 4:8 says Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Love will also move you toward action. John 3:6 tells us God loved the world so much that He gave His son. 1Corinthians 16:14 tells us to do everything in love. Love will always lead you in the direction God wants you to go. Love is something that God’s people are known for. You can’t help but stay spiritually health when love runs supreme. Love will make you a better leader a better mom or dad a better boss a better employee. It only takes one overlooked gauge to cause a catastrophe in your life and leadership.
If you are serious about being spiritually healthy you must get in the habit of not just checking these gages but also feeding your spirit.

            Ministry looks a whole lot like work, in fact it is work, yes there’s a spiritual dynamic but just like anything else when you expend something you have to refill it. A smart leader knows that ministry works in the same way as a checkbook works. Mark deposits first then write checks from your overflow. So here are five ways you can keep these gages on full.
1.    Make an appointment each day to build your faith my having time in the word. Set the  time for that appointment the day before, it doesn’t have to be the same time every day you just need to treat it like it’s special because it is. Don’t spend all your time studying the bible to teach you have to feed your spirit daily just like you have to feed your body.
2.    Go to church. I should have to tell this to people in ministry but you need to worship and take in from your pastor.
3.    Start every meeting with God stories. God stories are just reports or testimonies about what God is doing in your ministry. It keeps leaders focused on the main thing being the main thing. If you have no God stories then things are not very healthy.
4.    Use the pre-service prayer time as a time to do a devotion together or to go through a book as a team. Don’t just read leadership books find books that challenge you and those who serve with you
5.    Make time for prayer. Things happen when you pray. Set aside the time you spend in your car to prayer, put down the cell phone and pray like it matters. Pray together with your family and also those you lead. I’ve found when you hem your life with prayer things are a lot less likely to unravel.

What are your gages telling you about your spiritual health. Once you identify what you need then add feet to your plan to fix it!

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