Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Why I Go to Conferences... Part 2 Revisited

I still attend conferences for these same reasons. Number one to learn. Number two to network and meet people and number three to find resources and helps to aid my ministry. But I’ve also learned two more important reasons to attend a conference. The forth reason I attend conferences are that it is good to get away and listen to God. Jim can’t you hear God in your own town. Yes, but there’s some real benefit to leaving the cares and responcibilities of the local church and just get away. It’s really the same benefits of getting kids to get away from their normal lives and go to camp and listen to God. Some of the most important conferences in my life that I attended were not life changing because of the information I learned or received but because of what God confirmed or spoke to my heart. It’s good to get away and listen, to pray to expose yourself to different or new thinking and let God so a work in your heart.
I also attend conferences to be exposed to bigger thinking and vision. I believe that there is nothing more contagious than a God inspired, Spirit lead vision. I’m the type learner that it helps me to see something with my own eyes. It’s easier for me to grasp by seeing than just hearing or reading about it only. Seeing a big vision in action has always helped me to catch the vision. I think that big vision is easier caught than taught and that being exposed to a larger vision than what you presently have and open your eyes to the possibility of “I can do this too!”
         Just a few weeks ago I had the previledge of attending #CPC12 in Orlando. It was one of the best conference experiences I've ever had. Over the next few days I'm going to write about my CPC experiences and some of the highlights. I'm looking forward to being at #CPC12 in San Diego, if you have not made up your mind to go, I hope you will. You still have time to register.
still more to come...