Thursday, September 06, 2012

Wanting Your Input

During the month of August I tried something new, an affortable, one month version of my highly successful coaching and mentoring program infuse. I mainly did it because my 6 month version for 2012 filled up so early and it looks like my next  6 month version for September 2013  will be full before the end of the year which will mean I will have some more disapointed folks who don't want to be on a 2 year waiting list to be coached, This means I'm going to have to offer something else. Infuse-lite worked.  It was very fast paced but it worked. Several folks told me August was a busy month for them, So it leaves me with three big questions...

1.What is the best month to offer a scaled back version of infuse?
May-August if any.

2. Would you rather come hangout with me for a long weekend than a month long coaching program?

3. Is there another event you would like to see me host that would help you?

Thanks so much for your input and help...


  1. got 2 emails and a tweet would love to hear your comments. Infuse 7 for Sept 2013 is filling fast

  2. I vote for August, even though it's busy, at least VBS is usually over. February is the slowest month over all. I would also vote for the long weekend hangout.

    Lindsey @

  3. I totally want to do the Infuse Lite! I LOVED the 6 month Infuse, and would really like to do it again; either Lite or regular version.

    1. As far as timing: August and September are big for gearing up for big fall kick-offs and training meetings. January and February and March are slower months for me personally.

    2. A weekend with Jim Wideman would be awesome!! A weekend + a couple emails and phone calls sounds GREAT

    3. Consulting. I know you are busy, so an in-person consulting session might be difficult (especially because of travel), but maybe a consulting/evaluating session over the phone to help grow individually and get personalized input. Just an idea.

    Thanks for pouring into others and helping them grow!
