Monday, July 23, 2012

Update on me and my blog...

Since my last post I have put on a youth camp in Pigeon Forge, TN, held our #kidmin Orientation meetings for the new school year, celebrated my oldest daughter's birthday, had a great Sr. High Youth Service, went to visit my Mom in Alabama, attended a funeral of a wonderful man, attended 5 weekend services, and water baptism classes for kids , youth and adults. Talked with 5 kidmin folks by phone and met with 3 college kids helping them with life choices, worked on an upcoming sermon for big church and worked on putting the finishing touches of the Student Ministry Policy and Procedure Manual. Since my vacation in June I have been taking more time off, turning down most outside ministry invitations and blogging less. It has been wonderful. I need to record a Club lesson but will not have a night semi-off to do it until Wednesday. Monday night is college ministry, Tuesday night I have a daughter/ Daddy date night with Yancy to a concert that was part of my Father's day. Wednesday I play bass at our JV infinity Service, Thursday I have a Barn Party for our High School Ministry and Friday night Whitney my youngest daughter and I have a Daughter/Daddy Date Night to another concert. Then Saturday morning Julie and I have a date to the Farmer's Market.  It sure seems that simplifying life is harder than ever so I don't think I'll be blogging any more this week. Any blogging time will be spend in prayer, Bible study and cardio time. So there you have it, there's an update on me and why I'm not blogging as much. What things in your life are more important than blogs, email and other social media time absorbers. Take back your time, reaccessed your priorities and do what you know God values. I'll re-evaluate next week and post about my health if I have time.


  1. Thanks for making the healthy and courageous decision to simplify. It's not always the most glamorous thing to do, but it is almost always the right thing to do.

  2. What a great model for the rest of us, Jim. My wife and I have also just come out of a rigorous time of Summer events involving kids and students. This week we decided to try something we've never done in 20 years of ministry. We each (separately) took 3 days to get out of town and simply be alone with Jesus. She stayed on the campus of Berry College in Rome, GA and I'm wrapping up my 3rd day in Newnan, GA. It's been amazing! Solitude, quiet, reading, blogging. Also not setting any alarms and taking mid-day naps. The result: REJUVENATION! I pray that your result is the same.
